Join the industry of the future

Ura - Finland Tour 2022

Some of Europe’s largest companies have put their faith in Northvolt because they know our green batteries can make a difference in the transition to a decarbonized world. This is your chance to play an important role creating Europe’s first large-scale battery factory.

Tour is done – now what?

First of all – big thanks to everyone who came to our events! We had a great time meeting all of you and are very glad for the big interest that you have shown.

So – now what? Our recruiters have already started going through the many applications we have gotten and will try to get back to you as fast as possible.

Still haven’t applied? Don’t worry, we are hiring continuously during this year (and many years to come)! Please have a look at available positions and send in your application today!

Hot jobs right now


Manufacturing Associate

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Shift Manager

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Maintenance Technician

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Get to know your future colleagues


Mikael Gustafsson, Senior Manager of Facilities & Utilities at Northvolt Ett

Building a Giga Factory from scratch requires skilled people and great leadership. Meet one of the managers at Northvolt in Skellefteå.

Watch portrait

Thalía García,
Manager Project Logistics at Ett

Team work makes the dream work! Meet Thalía and her great team, transporting goods all the way from port of Skellefteå to each part of the site.

Watch portrait

Green batteries for a blue planet

We’re in the battery business. Manufacturing with clean energy, our mission is to deliver batteries with an 80% lower carbon footprint compared to those made using coal energy. And we’re building them into solutions to make the world a better, cleaner place.

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Northvolt by the numbers


Founded in 2016, we’ve been growing very fast – and will keep doing so!


People from all across the planet have joined our mission.


We strive for gender balance, but we’re not there yet. Challenge accepted!

Meet Ingemar Ylikangas – Director of Recycling

Building with experience from other industries

For the world to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and phase out oil, we need lots of efficient and sustainably produced batteries.

We’ve built the factory. It’s up and running with 100% clean energy. But when it comes to production, it’s the people that make all the difference. In particular, we need people with experience from working in other industries. People who have worked with pulp and paper, oil and gas, semi-conductors, and similar. Without great people and their valuble experience, there will be no green batteries.

During 2022 we recruited over 2000 new employees to Northvolt. This year we’re doing it again! Another 2000 people will join us on our journey. Operators, mechanics, engineers, quality technicians, and shift managers to name a few. Join us on the journey toward a greener future! Find your new job at Northvolt.

Other available positions

Some of the perks of working to help the planet

Some of the perks of working to help the planet Part 1 Finland

Collective agreement

Improved pensions, sick pay, and parental leave compensation – plus unionized job security and workforce education.

Incentive plan

Every employee is offered warrants that can be converted into shares in the company. When we succeed – so will you!

Occupational pension

Receive an occupational pension providing additional savings on top of the statutory pension.

Some of the perks of
 working to help the planet Part 2 Finland

Full time, fixed salary

Used to fixed-term contracts? We offer permanent hires. We want you to stay and grow with us.

Private healthcare insurance

Access medical services 24/7 through our healthcare insurance. Receive medical or psychological support, and gain quick access to prescriptions or referrals — all free of charge.

Health package

To make sure you have the stamina to change the future we offer private healthcare insurance and a wellness grant of 3000 SEK per year.

Europe’s first homegrown gigafactory

To make a real impact, we are doing what we’re doing at a large scale. Our first gigafactory – Northvolt Ett – is located in Skellefteå, northern Sweden. When fully built, Northvolt Ett will produce green batteries for more that 1 million electric vehicles annually.

”Though it lies just 125 miles south of the Arctic Circle, Skellefteå emanates un-deniable warmth.”

Let’s get you here

Moving to Skellefteå

Skellefteå is a city on the rise. The region is home to over 70 000 people and has outstanding access to the beautiful nature of northern Sweden all year round. Enjoy the northern lights and midnight sun, but also the active cultural life, the many nice restaurants, and the friendly community. 

Away from adventures and relaxing, the city is full of opportunities for employment outside of Northvolt and excellent education options from preschools to universities and colleges. Skellefteå is a modern and fast-growing region that attracts talented people from all over the world. You can find a mix of successful global leaders, high technical expertise, and cutting-edge technologies.

Want to know more about life in Skellefteå?

Learn more

Relocation services

If you live outside Skellefteå or Sweden today, we offer relocation services to our employees and their families. We support the process of immigration, home finding, schooling, spouse support, and much more. We will provide you with more information about this during the first call with the recruiter.

We also have teams to support you with all you need to know regarding Swedish tax systems, parental leave, pension, and more.

In other words – we’ll help out when needed!

Let us answer some of the questions you might have

What working hours will I have?

This depends on which part of the production line you work in. Production will be running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can expect shifts rotating between days, evenings, nights and weekends.

Does Northvolt help with relocation?

Yes! We support you in the process of immigration, finding a home, schooling, spouse support, and much more. We will provide you with more information about this during the first call with the recruiter.

What kind of employment can I get?

Everyone employed by Northvolt is offered an initial temporary probationary period which automatically turns into a permanent position if everything is well. This provides both us and you with an opportunity to decide if the position is a good fit and ensure that we’re both happy.

What will I earn?

We apply market-based wages, in accordance with collective agreements. More details will be provided during your recruitment process. On top of your salary, you will get the opportunity to acquire Northvolt shares at a fixed price.

Is it dangerous to work in battery cell production?

As in all production environments, there are risks. In battery cell production there are various chemicals and materials that require special training in handling and storage, as well as special protective equipment. As part of your initial training, we’ll introduce you to all of this, and thereafter provide ongoing opportunities to expand your skills and experiences to prepare you for growing into more senior roles.

What is the factory environment like?

Production of battery materials and cells requires highly controlled environments in order to assure high-quality products. Therefore, it’s important that much of the cell production process takes place in clean & dry rooms – environments that limit dirt and particles and are temperature and humidity controlled. Working in a clean & dry room is similar to working in a lab environment, and it requires specific training and protective clothing.

My partner will also need a job. Can you help out with that?

Sure! We’re in contact with a number of recruitment agencies and can support your partner’s way into working life in Skellefteå. The region already enjoys one of the highest employment rates in Sweden, and aside from jobs at Northvolt, Skellefteå is seeing a great increase new jobs in other sectors.

What previous work experience is relevant when applying?

We have a wide range of departments and areas to work in at Northvolt. Here we list relevant experience for some of them:

Manufacturing associate / Process operator: Work experience in industries such as paper mills, food, chemicals, electronics, oil, and gas production or smelters and/or training as an operator from industrial high schools or similar.

Maintenance Technician: An engineering education from industrial high schools. Experience working with pneumatics, hydraulics, and automation as well as maintenance of machines and equipment.

Production Engineer: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in chemical, mechanical, industrial, or manufacturing engineering or equivalent. In addition, work experience from industries such as paper mills, smelters, pharmaceuticals, food, or refineries, is also relevant.

Quality Technician: Having worked in a lab environment before is a merit, as is having some kind of education in basic quality systems or similar.

Shift Leader: Previous work experience in industries such as paper mills, food, chemicals, electronics, and/or training as an operator from industrial high school or similar. In addition, experience in leadership and character for building strong teams and developing others.

Available Roles




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